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(Purvis may have more stories to tell in the future...)

"Purvis:  Not Small At All"
(formerly "The Little Pig")

By  Linda Engelbert Book



ILLUSTRATIONS (Click on Thumbnails)

"There once was a very most wonderful pig..."
"There once was a very most
wonderful pig..."

"Oh no, for this pig was quite woefully small..."
"Oh no, for this pig was quite
woefully small..."
"But Purvis was proud..."
"But Purvis was proud ..."
"Poor Purvis was really so frightfully small..."
"Poor Purvis was really so
frightfully small..."
"He stretched and he stretched and he stretched..."
"He stretched and he stretched
and he stretched every day..."
"The pigs in the barnyard all gleefully played..."
"The pigs in the barnyard all
gleefully played..."
"The cat is your size, they all teased with a grin..."
"The cat is your size, they all
teased with a grin..."

"But pigs do not know very much about cats..." "But pigs do not know
very much about cats..."

"And Purvis      "And Purvis knew nothing at all about cats..."
knew nothing at all about cats..."

""When 'Hey," this cat suddenly said loud and clear..."
"When 'Hey," this cat
suddenly said loud and clear..."

"The cat did not look like he meant any harm..."
"The cat did not look
like he meant any harm..."

"Now that's a neat name you have there..." "Now that's
a neat name you have there..."

"Just be who you want, you can do anything ..."
"Just be who you want;
you can do anything ..."

"Then Purvis was    "Then Purvis was crying, much to his dismay..."
crying, much to his dismay..."    

"The cat and the pig soon became best of friends..."
"The cat and the pig soon
became best of friends..."
"Now Purvis just strutted around, head held high..."
"Now Purvis just strutted
around, head held high..."
"One day as young Purvis was walking along..."
"One day as young Purvis
was walking along..."
"'I want to be big,' said our Purvis to Fred..."
"'I want to be big,' said our
Purvis to Fred..."
"He then saw the sheepdog that guarded the sheep..."
"He then saw the sheepdog
that guarded the sheep..."
"When suddenly came the loud bleating of sheep..."
"When suddenly came the
loud bleating of sheep..."
"He's so fast, Purvis gasped..."
"He's so fast, Purvis gasped ..."
"And the dog suddenly stood there..."
"And the dog suddenly
stood there..."
"But Purvis heard not, he was lost in his thoughts..."
"But Purvis heard not, he
was lost in his thoughts..."
"The days they went by and more friends Purvis made..."
"The days, they went by, and
more friends Purvis made..."
"One day like no other..."
"One day like no other..."
"This brother - named Pug..."
"This brother, named Pug,
followed Purvis around..."
"You're great, said his brother..."
"You're great, said
his brother..."
"He stared in amazement at Pug..."
"He stared in amazement
at Pug - so surprised..."
"Was he really ok just the way he was now?"
"Was he really ok just the
way he was now?"
"He decided right then..."
"He decided right then..."

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