by L. E. BookSample page ideas (to be illustrated)
1. Frog in a Bog [currently working on]
13. Frogs in New Togs 2. Frog on a Log √
14. A Frog Agog √ 3. Soggy Froggy
15. Frogs Chasing Dogs 4. Frog on a Dog √
16. Frogs Wearing Clogs 5. Frog on a Hog
17. Hogs Chasing Frogs 6. Groggy Froggy
18. A Frog Clog √ 7. Frogs in the Cogs √
19. Frog in the Smog 8. Frog in the Fog √
20. Frog Grog 9. "Bull Frogs" √
21. Frog and Warthog 10. A Frog in Prague
22. A Frog Jog 11. Frog Blog
12. Frog Nog √
Completed illustrations (some of these did not scan well and will have to be redone at some point)...
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Book, ©2014.
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LindaBook@aol.com for questions or comments.